How many questions are therein the OIIQ exam?
Everyone answers a minimum of 75 questions to a maximum of 265 questions. Regardless of how many you answer, you will be given 15 experimental questions that do not count for or against you. The exam administrators use them to test for future questions on the exam.
How much time will I have?
There is no time limit for each individual question. You’ll have a maximum of 6 hours to complete the exam, which includes a tutorial in the beginning. There are no mandatory breaks. However, there’s an optional break after 2 hours of testing, and another optional break after 3.5 hours of testing.
When does the exam end?
Your exam ends when one of the following occurs:
- You have demonstrated minimum competency and answered the minimum number of questions (75).
- You have demonstrated a lack of minimum competency and answered the minimum number of questions (75).
- You have answered the maximum number of questions (265).
- You have used the maximum time allowed (6 hours).
TIP: Try not to focus on the length of your exam. You should just plan on testing for 6 hours and completing 265 questions. And if you have a long exam, remember that you are still in the game as long as the computer continues to give you questions; so focus on answering them all to the best of your ability.